
Veronica Hellier

Clinical Psychologist

I work with clients to understand how unconscious processes and patterns are manifested in their present-day behaviour. Through self-reflection, self-exploration and self-discovery in a safe and authentic relationship, we strive to increase self-awareness and understanding, relieve distressing symptoms and encourage the presence of psychological capacities and resources. 

This can range from an increased capacity to have more fulfilling relationships, to an increased ability to experience and tolerate a wider range of emotions, as well as, a higher sense of mastery over life and improvements in self-esteem. 

Qualifications and Memberships

  • Bachelor of Psychological Science (First Class Honours) at the University of Queensland.
  • Master of Clinical Psychology (Honours) at the Queensland University of Technology.
  • Clinical Psychology Endorsement. 
  • Registered Psychologist with the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  • Registered provider for Medicare and private health rebates.
  • Member of the Australian Psychological Society and the Australian College of Clinical Psychologists. 
 “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.” – Akshay Dubey

Do I need therapy?

Engaging in therapy is not just about symptoms, I work with individuals who are tired of living inauthentically, burdened by anxiety and depression. They go through life not present, experiencing themselves as unengaged, or chronically dissatisfied.

They might give to others at the expense of themselves, turning off their internal voice. They might try to supress their feelings, keeping others at a distance – feeling numb and disconnected.  They might have experienced deeply painful life events or relationships that they want to heal from.



You might ask yourself:

Do I want to learn how to have nourishing and reciprocal relationships?
Do I want to be able to know and accept all facets and parts of myself?
Do I want to be able to be present and feel my life and feel safe to experience my emotions?
Do I want to understand my childhood experiences to be able to approach parenting my own children differently?

If there is some aspect of your life that you are dissatisfied with, that is stopping you from growth or you would like to gain a deeper understanding of, then therapy would be a useful tool for you.

 “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.” – Buddha

What does therapy look like?

My approach tends to gravitate towards an integration of psychodynamic, cognitive behavioural, and family systems frameworks. My aim is to provide a space for self-exploration and self-reflection, as well as, an opportunity to experience a different way of relating to yourself and to others. We would meet on a regular basis to discuss whatever feels significant to you.

During this time we would explore your feelings, thoughts, patterns and deeper experience. This is done with the aim of nourishing a reflective relationship with yourself and others. Seeking to slowly uncover and integrate the parts of yourself that have been ‘shut off ‘, gently and compassionately bringing these back to life in a safe and non-judgemental environment. This type of therapy would suit those who wish to gain a better understanding of themselves and how they relate to others.

 “Awareness is the first step in healing.” – Dean Ornish

Where can you find me?

Please feel free to contact me to discuss how therapy might be beneficial for you.

You can find me at the Flow State Psychology group building in Sumner, Queensland, Australia.

Hellier Psychology is NOT a crisis or emergency service. If you are in need of emergency services please call 000. Alternatively, there are some 24 hr support helplines you may like to contact:

• Lifeline (13 11 14)
• Beyond Blue (1300 224 636)
• 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
• Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800)
• Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling (1800 011 046)